Bellboating at Boroughbridge (Session C)
This event is aimed at giving Cubs a chance to have a go at Bellboating on a river.
Bell Boats are twin hulled boats, similar to a catamaran, approx. 9m long which seat 10 Cubs plus a helm (and second if required). They are propelled through the use of single bladed paddles and helmed via a single, stern mounted, steering oar.
Start time: Sessions during the day, each lasting approximately 1 ¼ hours
Please arrive 15minutes before your session is due to start.
Cubs who take part will have covered some of requirements of the Cub Outdoor Challenge Award.
Scouts can use the event as one of the activities for the Adventure Challenge Award.
The following sessions are also bookable:
Session A 10.00 to 11.15
Session B 11.30 to 12.45
Session D 15.00 to 16.15
Please arrive no earlier than 15 mins before your session time.
Boroughbridge, Langthorpe Car Park
Book your place online...
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