Activity Permit Application / Renewal Form
Welcome to the start of your journey to becoming an adventurous activity permit holder. Your passport to providing all members with challenging, engaging and safe adventurous activities.
If you’re here for the application form, click here. If you here to learn more about becoming a permit holder then keep reading.
If you are looking to renew your permit, please also complete this form. This should be done at least 3 months before it lapses to ensure there is plenty of time to get an assessment scheduled in.
Learn more about the permit scheme here.
Not all activities are classed as adventurous: check the list to see which are covered by this scheme.
Missing from this list are Shooting and Tomahawk throwing. These activities require training and assessment but aren’t covered by the permit scheme. The permit application form covers requests for training for shooting and tomahawk activities.
There are four areas assessed to gain a permit:
- Safety and safeguarding (not for applicants who are under 18) – This will be carried out by the Commissioner / Lead Volunteer or Permit Approver or their nominee and ensures that the necessary personal enquiry checks have been carried out and the appropriate safety and safeguarding mandatory learning has taken place.
This is assessed by your District Lead Volunteer or appointed Permit Approver.
- Personal Suitability – This is to check the applicant is suitable (in terms of attitude, health for the activity involved etc.) to be leading an adventurous activity for young people. This may require the permit approver to seek input from others who know or operate with the applicant.
This is assessed by your District and Group Lead Volunteer and/or appointed Permit Approver.
- Scout Association Rules – This checks whether the applicant is aware of the activity rules and how they affect the activity within Scouting.
This is assessed by your District or Group Lead Volunteer or County Assessor.
- Technical Competence – This looks at the specific technical skills required to run the activity. It is usually assessed through a practical assessment but other evidence such as logged experience and other qualifications held can help as well. There is an assessment checklist for each activity listing the skills that will be assessed.