About The Land Team
We organise thrills and adventures in the outdoors.
Click for more info:
- Caving
- Climbing
- Crate Stacking
- Field Sports – Archery and Shooting
- Hill Walking – know your Terrain?
- Grass Sledging
- Off Road Cycling
- Orienteering, GPS and Geocaching
- Slack Lining
- Tomahawk Throwing equipment and guidance for leaders
We offer land based activity days which you can join. To see what’s planned or to join one of our adventure days:
We can sometimes provide activities at a venue close to you, and we can help with advice and information.
If you prefer to run your own activity we have equipment you can hire. To enquire about or book equipment please email earth@nys.org.uk indicating what you want and when and your Scout group, district or county as appropriate. You will receive an activity overview that describes the equipment in more detail, explains where to pick it up and sets out the cost.
We understand how busy things can be for leaders in the run up to a Scout activity, so our equipment is normally collected and returned a few days either side of the activity date and we only charge for the days you actually use it. After your activity you will receive an invoice by email that can be forwarded to your treasurer or other payer if necessary and which includes full payment instructions. We prefer to receive payment by bank transfer but we can also accept cheques.
We also keep a selection of garden games, circus skills and other field sports equipment available for hire.
We are always keen to welcome anyone interested in these sports to join us. If this could be you, please contact us at: earth@nys.org.uk