Incident and Near Miss Report

Incident and Near Miss Report

Please read the below extract from POR before submitting a near miss report. UK Headquarters must be informed by completing the online incident report form at the earliest suitable opportunity if any person, whether a member of the Movement or not:

  • suffers personal injury or illness where that injury or illness necessitates medical treatment (treatment by a doctor, dentist, nurse, paramedic or at a hospital). Minor injuries or illness not requiring such treatment must be recorded locally, with UK Headquarters being informed if they subsequently receive medical attention
  • requires rescuing where rescue involves any Emergency Service: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue or Coastguard
  • dies

in the course of, or arising out of, a Scout activity or while on, or in conjunction with, any Scout property. If an accident during a Scout activity results in third party damage, UK Headquarters must be informed at the earliest suitable opportunity. On receipt of this information UK Headquarters will issue the necessary instructions and an incident report form. In the event of any injury or fatality, or damage to third party property, no admission of liability must be made unless advised by UK Headquarters.

(See Rule 7.2 for actions required in the event of an emergency.)

If an incident is reportable as above, the County Lead Volunteer must be informed at the earliest possible opportunity. This may mean making a telephone call at unsociable hours. 

North Yorkshire Scouts Near Miss and Incident Reporting

The below Near Miss Reporting form is to enable the county to track lower level incidents that would not need to be reported to HQ.  Anything that had the potential to cause injury or harm, but did not do so for whatever reason, should also be reported using the below form – this enables the County Trustee Board to monitor any potential trends at any of our activities, events, or venues.

Please complete the form below



In the event of more serious accidents, refer to your Safe Scouting and what to do in an emergency (purple card). This will act as a short guide through the process.  Make sure you are familiar with it and that all leaders have a copy to carry with them.

UK Headquarters must be informed by completing the online incident report form at the earliest suitable opportunity if any person, whether a member of the Movement or not:

  • Suffers personal injury or illness where that injury or illness necessitates medical treatment (treatment by a doctor, dentist, nurse, paramedic or at a hospital). Minor injuries or illness not requiring such treatment must be recorded locally, with UK Headquarters being informed if they subsequently receive medical attention
  • Requires rescuing where rescue involves any Emergency Service: Police, Fire, Ambulance, Mountain Rescue or Coastguard
  • Dies

in the course of, or arising out of, a Scout activity or while on, or in conjunction with, any Scout property.

If an accident during a Scout activity results in third party damage, UK Headquarters must be informed at the earliest suitable opportunity.

HM King Charles III has been confirmed as our new Patron, a great honour for UK Scouts.

The King continues a long tradition of the monarch giving their Patronage, dating back to 1912. This was when Scouts was granted its Royal Charter and HM George V became our first Patron.

Find out more
King Charles III

Our Patron, HM King Charles III