Scouts (10.5-14)
Each Scout Troop is made up of young people aged 10½ to 14, led by trained adult volunteers who are on hand to share their skills and keep everyone safe.

Their programme of activities is designed to:
- Help them master new skills and try new things out
- Make new friends
- Have and explore the world around them
- Help others and make a difference to their communities, near and far
Scouts are probably the most well-known members of the global Scout family.
Closer to home, they’re also part of their wider local Scout Group, alongside Squirrels (aged 4-5), Beavers (aged 6-8) and Cubs (aged 8 to 10½). When they’re older, they can also join Explorers (for young people aged 14 to 18) and Scout Network (for young people aged 18-25). Although both of these are closely associated with the younger sections, they are not part of the local Scout Group.
Depending on local arrangements, their troop might be partnered directly with an Explorer Unit. If this is the case for your troop, you might run your meetings alongside Explorers, and work together to organise things like trips, nights away and expeditions.
The first step to becoming a Cub is to find your nearest Pack using our finder tool. Membership is managed locally, so the easiest way to get started is to reach out to a local adult volunteer to see if spaces are available and find out more about where and when the group meets.
Scouts is for everyone. If you have any questions about accessibility, have a chat with your local leader. By being upfront about additional needs from the start, we can work together to make sure everyone can join in the fun on their own terms.