Cub Scouts (8-10.5)
Cubs are young people aged 8 to 10½ who get up to lots of amazing and wonderful adventures.

Their programme of activities is designed to:
- Help them master new skills and try new things out
- Make new friends
- Have and explore the world around them
- Help others and make a difference to their communities, near and far
Every week, they gather in groups called Cub Packs to take part in lots of interesting and challenging activities – achieving anything they set their minds to, and having lots of fun along the way.
Each Pack is made up of young people aged 8 to 10, led by an adult Cub leader traditionally nicknamed Akela after the wise leader of the wolf pack in Rudyard Kipling’s novel, The Jungle Book.
The first step to becoming a Cub is to find your nearest Pack using our finder tool. Membership is managed locally, so the easiest way to get started is to reach out to a local adult volunteer to see if spaces are available and find out more about where and when the group meets.
Cubs is open to all, and adjustments can always be made locally to make sure everyone can join in the fun. If you have any questions about accessibility, it’s best to chat with your local leader as soon as possible. By being upfront about additional needs from the start, parents/carers can work in partnership with local leaders to make sure their young person has the best experience possible.